Hey, friends - I've switched my blog over to www.beezerboyd.com. Check it out!
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Thursday, November 06, 2008
Half-Marathon Playlist... help me make it!
Okay, so I'm just a few weeks from running/jogging/walking the Seattle Half-Marathon, and I am loading up some MP3's on the player for the run.
What would you put on that playlist? What would keep you going as you meander pitifully through Seattle?
Scrawled by
Sean Boyd
Monday, October 13, 2008
What a Weekend!
Some weekends are just full of it.
YMCA swim with the kids. Eagan's Big Tom. The Library. Mr. Bean's Holiday. Fountain Church Gathering. Dan's Birthday (you rock, Dan!). Rubber Band Fight.
It has been a great weekend!
Scrawled by
Sean Boyd
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Krauss & Plant... One Day Away!
Allison Krauss and Robert Plant are playing live in Seattle tomorrow... on my wife's birthday. Couldn't be a better present to give her.
Oh yeah, I guess 2nd row seats would be a bit better...
Well, and I guess free tickets would be even better. And they are free (radio call in contest), and they are 2nd row. Thanks 103.7 the Mountain, you guys rock.
I will be zoned in, watching the Zep Vox, while my wife will be enjoying one of her favorite gal singers. You would think this would inspire joy in my friendship village, but it has also seemed to spawn some envy. So for all my friends with Krauss/Plant envy, I don't know what to say. I guess you could always catch some concert clips on YouTube or something...
Scrawled by
Sean Boyd
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Laced Up.
Yes, I ran the four miles yesterday. And it felt great.
Scrawled by
Sean Boyd
Monday, September 22, 2008
I Don't Want To Run
I've slowly been running a bit more each week, getting ready to walk/run the half marathon in Seattle this fall. I love going out and taking the loop, especially with my wife's hot pink MP3 player jangling around my neck.
But not today.
I don't want to run. Once I'm out there, I love it, but honestly... right now I don't feel like it. At all. I feel like eating the heated up leftovers from Saturday's date with Kristy (curry and rice), and just reading a book or something.
But if I made all of my choices based upon how I felt, it could get scary, quick. And I probably wouldn't run that much. I already don't run that much.
So I've got to go for that deeper motivation - I will lace up today. And I will run the 4.
Scrawled by
Sean Boyd
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Celtic Jam
It's Wednesday night - checking out the Celtic jam at Tugboat Annie's with Kristy and some friends... should be real good. Nothing like a night out with good friends, food, and a pennywhistle piping in your ear!
Scrawled by
Sean Boyd
Thursday, August 28, 2008
So Here's What I Learned...
Now that I am about a week away from my first bike commute, I can be a bit more objective about what I learned...
Scrawled by
Sean Boyd
Friday, August 22, 2008
Bicycle Commute - Lessons Learned
Wow. I rode my bike to the office today - I am out of shape. It took an hour (10 miles), so I think I was semi-puttering. Not so out of breath, but my thighs are on fire!
Still, it felt great. I learned all kinds of things on my trip - I will be posting my lessons soon.
Scrawled by
Sean Boyd
Tuesday, August 05, 2008
What A Rowdy Pirate
Sunday was Dress Like A Pirate Day at the Fountain. My son is quite a brute:
In case you're wondering, it's not a sword in his hand; it's a sharpie - for signing his leg cast.
So yes... he is a peg-leg pirate.
Scrawled by
Sean Boyd