Locally, there is only one really good radio station available (a la FM, you HD heads.) - KMTT, 103.7 the Mountain. Great music, really listenable DJ's (a luxury these days), and they are always spot on about creative new music and artists months before the bandwagon rolls into town.
I'm sorry; does this sound like an ad? It's not, rather it's more of a thank you. You see, at 10:37am they have a call-in contest to win local concert tickets. And though I often face the constant sound of busy signal, today that was not the case.
Guess who just won 2nd row seats to Robert Plant and Allison Krauss, on Kristy's birthday, no less?
Thursday, July 31, 2008
Plant, Krauss, Shawn Stewart & The Mountain
Scrawled by
Sean Boyd
Thursday, July 10, 2008
Summer In The Park
I'm excited for six summer Sundays in the park for our 10:30am FountainChurch gatherings. Lawn sports, BBQ's with friends - good stuff.
You comin? Maps to the park, info on what to bring - it's all here.
Scrawled by
Sean Boyd
Sunday, July 06, 2008
Back to my Americano!
Life is good. My coffee drinking days are back, and in full swing. Two weeks of drinking only water taught me a lot of good stuff - and a huge win was that by several families in FountainChurch giving up our favorite drinks together, we raised $400 - going straight to the 1000 Wells Project!
That's good stuff.
Scrawled by
Sean Boyd
Wednesday, July 02, 2008
On Track & Going For It.
There's nothing like a public blog for accountability, so... "I am going to walk/run/jog the Seattle Half-Marathon this November." Seeing my wife do Seattle and Eugene, coupled with a few times out taking a run with her has gotten to me.
To prepare, I am on a 22 week plan of running, jogging, sweating, and crawling. Pretty awesome. To you running aficianados, any words of encouragement/caution/etc. would be great, and very welcomed.
I'll keep you updated.
Scrawled by
Sean Boyd