Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Day Three, No Coffee...

Ouch. This is harder than anticipated. No coffee.

Some of us families in the FountainChurch are foregoing Lattes, sodas, etc. for two weeks, saving that easily spent cash to send to BloodWaterMission. The translation? Our daily dollars go towards the 1000 Wells Project, who since 2004 have built 340 wells in 11 countries in Africa.

So I decided, not only will I give up buying drinks in town, I'm going without completely. How am I (glad you asked.)? The headache last night melted me into a pathetic puddle.

Maybe caffeine has a bigger hold on me than I thought? I miss my friend.

1 comment:

debbie shaner said...

Ha ha! I gave up coffee for Lent the last couple of years, but I found cheating with tea helped me get by- oh, and the occasional soda when I was truly desperate. Yeah, I'd like to THINK I'm not addicted...