Thursday, February 07, 2008

Don't Stand To My Left...

I had to finish up a novel the other night, thanks to the advice of my sister Jennifer - Germ, by Robert Liparulo. The book had some good tense moments, the kind that you choose to have a late night and dragging morning in order to finish.

That left me reading on the floor, slowly developing a kink in my neck, or a pinched nerve or something - possibly a spine goblin wreaking havoc? I moved to the couch around 11p to finish up, but sleep took over. About 4:30a, Kristy came and found me knocked out, in an even worse position.

So you can't stand to my left. Or I guess you could, but you'll get the feeling I'm ignoring you. I just can't turn it that way. The book was good, though.

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