Monday, September 22, 2008

I Don't Want To Run

I've slowly been running a bit more each week, getting ready to walk/run the half marathon in Seattle this fall. I love going out and taking the loop, especially with my wife's hot pink MP3 player jangling around my neck.

But not today.

I don't want to run. Once I'm out there, I love it, but honestly... right now I don't feel like it. At all. I feel like eating the heated up leftovers from Saturday's date with Kristy (curry and rice), and just reading a book or something.

But if I made all of my choices based upon how I felt, it could get scary, quick. And I probably wouldn't run that much. I already don't run that much.

So I've got to go for that deeper motivation - I will lace up today. And I will run the 4.


Anonymous said...

I remember when I used to run. I remember the hardest part was putting the shoes on and lacing up. Dan

Anonymous said...

if you don't run you don't get any better.