Thursday, November 08, 2007

My Dear Syd

Tonight was a special music night at Littlerock Elementary - the 4th grade was performing music to honor local veterans. My dear Sydney was part of the choir - she even had a solo!

She had felt a little nervous at home getting ready, and I could see that she was still feeling it at the show. So many parents! Waves of proud faces, eyes wide, knowing smiles, cameras and crying babies littered throughout this parental sea! And somehow Sydney is supposed to just sing out like she's at home...

Well, she did great! What a sweet voice. If you have kids, you know that at some point they begin to gravitate towards things, finds strengths, discovers loves and interests. I think Syd is discovering hers.

But I didn't need tonight to know that. Setting up all of her toys in concert fashion while she plays disco CD's and sings along was a big indicator. She is just too cool.

1 comment:

Jennifer S. said...

How wonderful, I wish I would have known she was singing...